
IYV+10 志工短片創作比賽


自聯合國宣布2001年為國際志工年(International Year of Volunteers, IYV)的這十年間,超過120個國家共同響應;由全球37個國家志願服務的統計資料顯示,共動員了超過一億四千萬名志工,共同做出了超過四千億美元經濟效益的貢獻。


為慶祝聯合國國際志工年十週年(the UN International Year of Volunteers plus Ten, IYV+10),我們邀請全球青年志工、志工組織創作 30-60 秒長度的短片,以「志願服務 – 改變世界的力量」為創作主題,和全世界分享你/妳投入志願服務的行動與感動,以及對下一個 IYV+10 的期盼與鼓勵;同時,藉由你/妳的短片分享,號召更多的友伴參與、創造全球志願服務的奇蹟!

如果你的短片獲得全球網友一致喜愛而名列全球 Top20,如果你的創作理念連國際評審都感動到非得親自見你一面,你將贏得免費前往新加坡參加 2011年 IAVE 青年志工大會的機會,拓展你的志工人脈,同時與全球志工一同歡慶 IYV+10!


徵件主題:「志願服務 – 改變世界的力量」(Volunteering to Change the World)





歡迎 Email 給我們:video@iave.org;或來電:02 3322 3167,趙小姐。
(1) 歡迎所有參賽者號召親朋好友,於投票期間至活動網站 IAVE.org,投票給你的參賽影片。
(2) 本比賽所有相關訊息,將以 IAVE.org 所公布的為依據。



How to create a translation of an E-IAVE

1. Go IAVE.org, login, go to Newsletters, find the E-IAVE you want to translate, and choose
Translate in the tabs at the top of the page.

2. Go to the target language, and click "add translation".

3. In "Title" translate the date - eg: December 2009 = Diciembre 2009.

4. In the "By:" box write your name.

5. Go straight down to the "Body" box. (You don't need to fill out "Image", "SubSite", "Country", "Categories" and "Tags", so skip these boxes.)

6. Copy and paste the translation into the article section by section.

IMPORTANT: Paste the E-IAVE Word document into Notepad, Textedit, or another plain text editing software application first, and then copy and paste one segment of the body from Notepad/Textedit back into the new article body. It is important to do this one segment (i.e., title, bullet points, paragraphs) at a time. This will help keep the formatting, text style, etc consistent.

7. Make sure you keep the anchors in the right places.

8. After you've finished the Body, it's best to click "Save" at the bottom of the page, just in case.

9. Check the original Word document to ensure any lines that are bold/italicized are also bold/italicized on the webpage, and see if the formatting is consistent. To make changes after you've saved the article, go back to the Edit tag at the top of your page.

10. Scroll down to below the Body box, to "Resource". This is where you upload the Word document. Click "Remove" under the English original, and use the box below to "Browse" for the translation in your computer, then "Upload".

11. If this is an old E-IAVE, go to "Authoring information" at the bottom of the page, and change the date in the "Authored on" box to the date the E-IAVE was released.

12. Click Save again.

13. One last step - go to the Newsletters main page, and click the language of your choice. Click the Edit tab at the top of the page, and find the date of the E-IAVE translation you just added. Now, add a link to the month, so it takes you to the relevant webpage. If you don't know how to add a link, see step 4 and 5 here.


List of Tags for the IAVE.org website

  • 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference Gyeongsangnam-do
  • 2011 IAVE World Conference Singapore
  • 2009 Asia-Pacific Conference Kaohsiung
  • 2008 World Conference Panama
  • 2007 Asia-Pacific Conference Nagoya
  • 2006 World Conference Delhi
  • 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference Hong Kong
  • 2004 World Conference Barcelona
  • 2002 World Conference Seoul
  • 2001 World Conference Amsterdam
  • development (poverty eradication, literacy, health, humanitarian relief)
  • environment (sustainability)
  • seniors (the baby boomer generation)
  • youth (this is also for IYOC resources)
  • religious bodies
  • volunteer management (leadership development, risk management, episodic volunteering)
  • cross-cultural 
  • volunteer capital
  • large-scale events
  • corporate volunteering (this is also for G-CVC resources)
  • volunteer opportunities
  • volunteer centers
  • ethics
  • government
  • research
  • international volunteering
  • national report
  • other


Spicing up the content (1) Rich text editing and adding links

After you've posted an article, you will want to spice it up a bit with other images, audio and video, links to downloadable files, and so on. In this first tutorial, I'll teach you how to change the text formating and add links to other webpages.

1. Go to iave.org and Login. Find the article you want to edit - I do this by going to the section I saved it in, using the navigation buttons. In this case it's the story about the board meeting, which I found on the Home page. When you've pulled up the article, you'll see, above the title, three tags: View, Edit, and Track. Go to Edit.

 2. You should be able to see a panel of buttons, similar to the formating palette on your favorite text editor, sitting below the Body. If you don't see it, open up the Input format link below the Body box and choose the Full HTML option.

3. Now you can highlight words in the text and make them bold, italicize them, change their color to the IAVE red, or make them bigger or smaller, as you wish. There's no need to do any of that to this already perfect article about the board meeting, but it could do with some links, so that's what I'm going to add now.

4. Select a word/phrase with your mouse (in this case: "IAVE board of directors") and click on the Insert/edit link button, which looks like a little chain.

5. This will bring up the Link dialog box. Enter the address of the relevant webpage (in this case http://iave.org/content/board-directors) into the Link URL box, and click Insert.

6. If you want to link to an external site, like www.francebenevolat.org, then it's best to pick Open in new window (_blank) in the Target drop-down box. This opens a new window when the link is clicked, so we don't send visitors away from our site.

7. Click Save at the bottom of the screen and we're done.

TIP: Avoid adding links to the first sentence of your article, as these appear in the homepage teaser, and will misdirect people who click on the link thinking they will be going to the article. (I discovered this after adding the Board of Directors link above).


How to add an article

Here's a simple guide for how to post an article on the new IAVE website.

1. Go to http://iave.org/user and LOGIN.

2. Go to "Content Manager" - "Create Content" and "Article".

3. If the document you want to post is in Word format, or another word processing software application, copy and paste the content into a basic text editor, like WordPad or TextEdit, to get rid of any unnecessary formatting and hidden code.

4.  Then copy and paste the "clean" text into the Body of your Article.

5. Add a Title, write the author's name under "By", Upload a picture (be careful of copyright issues), and select the appropriate SubSites and Categories depending on where you want the article to appear on the website.

6. If you want the article to appear on the front page, click that box under Publishing options. Click Save at the bottom of the page, and Voila! That should be it. Check the article to make sure the style is consistent with the other pages on the website.


How to transfer data on to the new IAVE website

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to transferring data from the old IAVE website to the new one.

1. Login at http://iave.creativecomputerconsulting.ca/acm/default.asp

2. Click on "Resources" on the left hand menu.

3. Choose a resource (don't choose the E-IAVE's yet) and click on the edit icon on the far left hand side of the title.

4. Toggle over to HTML code and copy the Description. (Although it looks messy, it's easier to copy the HTML code, because you'll keep all the formatting, embedded pictures, links, etc. that you might lose if you copy the plain text)

5. Go to the new website http://www.iave.org and LOGIN.

6. Go to "Create Content" and "Article".

7. Since you copied the HTML code from the old site, you have to click on the "HTML" icon below the Body, so the new site can read the code.

8. Paste in the HTML code from your source Resource on the old website (see step 4) and click "Update".

9. After clicking "Update" copy and paste the "Resource Name" from the old website page (see figure 4) into the "Title" section, select "Global" in the "SubSite" list, and "Resources" under "Categories". Type "IAVE IRC" into the By: box.

10. Take a quick look at the title and content of the article, and then add in some Tags. Choose from this list.

11. Add a Country. (If you can't work out which country the resource comes from, leave this blank).

12. Go back to the old website and add a dot (full stop, ".") in front of the "Resource Name". Then click "Save" on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This will mark the Resource as being added.

13. Now you have to find the resource page on the old website to: (a) check it has been marked with a dot ("."), (b) find any attached documents, and (c) check for other formatting that might have been missed in the transfer. Go to the Resources page on the old website http://iave.creativecomputerconsulting.ca/ResourceTypeslist.asp and run a search on the Resource Name.

14. When you find the resource, check the marker "dot" is there, and download the attached document - if there is one.

15. Upload the document onto the new website (make sure it's no bigger than 2MB).

16. We're just transferring the data now, and we're not ready to publish it all yet, so please uncheck the Published box under Publishing options at the bottom of the page.

17. Check the new article for other links that go back to the old site, and update these.

18. If the resource has a translation, then open up the Language: section below the Body box, and instead of Language neutral chose a language (English/Spanish/Chinese etc.) for this resource and click Save. After you do that, you should see another tab appear at the top of the page that says Translate. Open it up, click on Add translation after the language you want, and go through the above steps with the new language.