
How to create a translation of an E-IAVE

1. Go IAVE.org, login, go to Newsletters, find the E-IAVE you want to translate, and choose
Translate in the tabs at the top of the page.

2. Go to the target language, and click "add translation".

3. In "Title" translate the date - eg: December 2009 = Diciembre 2009.

4. In the "By:" box write your name.

5. Go straight down to the "Body" box. (You don't need to fill out "Image", "SubSite", "Country", "Categories" and "Tags", so skip these boxes.)

6. Copy and paste the translation into the article section by section.

IMPORTANT: Paste the E-IAVE Word document into Notepad, Textedit, or another plain text editing software application first, and then copy and paste one segment of the body from Notepad/Textedit back into the new article body. It is important to do this one segment (i.e., title, bullet points, paragraphs) at a time. This will help keep the formatting, text style, etc consistent.

7. Make sure you keep the anchors in the right places.

8. After you've finished the Body, it's best to click "Save" at the bottom of the page, just in case.

9. Check the original Word document to ensure any lines that are bold/italicized are also bold/italicized on the webpage, and see if the formatting is consistent. To make changes after you've saved the article, go back to the Edit tag at the top of your page.

10. Scroll down to below the Body box, to "Resource". This is where you upload the Word document. Click "Remove" under the English original, and use the box below to "Browse" for the translation in your computer, then "Upload".

11. If this is an old E-IAVE, go to "Authoring information" at the bottom of the page, and change the date in the "Authored on" box to the date the E-IAVE was released.

12. Click Save again.

13. One last step - go to the Newsletters main page, and click the language of your choice. Click the Edit tab at the top of the page, and find the date of the E-IAVE translation you just added. Now, add a link to the month, so it takes you to the relevant webpage. If you don't know how to add a link, see step 4 and 5 here.